Did you know that a new coaching philosophy may help those facing major stress get through it better? In a recent study in Psychology Today it was found that men and women who tend to live a more stressful life have a 50% higher chance of dying? Major stress was measured as having had 6 major stress events in a year. This measure of stress was when compared to those in the low-stress group who had 2 or less such events.

They also found that even moderate stress can have a critical effect over the long term. For instance, causing health issues and eventually leading to an earlier death.

This study, and dozens more like it, reveals that you’re more likely to live longer by keeping your stress level low than increasing stress.

More importantly, it proves that you do not NEED moderately stressful lifestyles.

Have a look at all these people in your life working all the hours, time off work with mystery illnesses or heaven forbid burnout or doing some other form of exhaustive, age-increasing form of lifestyle habit. Have a look at the men and women working with cell-phones — almost always on call 24/7 and working hours way, WAY too long.

Now, you tell us: have their lives changed at all in the past 90 days? I’ll wager you said, “No,” And you would be correct. Statistics reveal that 47% of office workers say the internet, email and cell-phones have increased their hours worked. People are often trading sleep for work. Workers who said they slept 6 hours or less at night worked 1.5 hours more than others who got more sleep. Very few workers make any significant life transformation over a YEAR, let alone over just 90 days.

Why? Because good people just like you have been misled and exploited by Tech Giants and technological “progress”. You probably believe you have to work longer to get results, when what you REALLY need to do is work SHORTER using a very targeted method of time management that I teach in my coaching programs.

Deep Work-Life Balance is Our Coaching Philosophy

A coaching philosophy such as that taught in Inspired To Hired’s Deep Work-Life Balance’s coaching programs can help you reduce this stress. This is done by helping you transmute stress into “good stress” or eustress, first coined by Richard Lazarus.

Did you know long multi-tasking sessions stress you faster than the super-short work and break bursts you’ll be experiencing in my Deep Work-Life Balance Business Success Programs?

Here’s why: Multi-Tasking produces an excess of what’s called stress hormones which tire out your short-term memory and can affect your health long-term. In small quantities, your body can rid itself of stress hormones and prevent excess damage. However, when you do long, extended multi-tasking sessions, the brain gets addicted to a dopamine rush habit. Sure you may get results initially, but your brain will start tricking itself that you are more effective – when you’re not – faster than you can imagine. You don’t want that!

Today’s lifestyles are way too stressful… and they are KEEPING YOU from the life you want.

Successful People Use A Coaching Philosophy

Some of the most successful people in the world – in business, in sports, in the arts – know this. Sir Richard Branson, Bill Gates and Oprah Winfrey all receive coaching with trained coaches. This is to improve their performance in their business, career, health or some other aspect of their life.

You would be surprised how many world leaders have the support of a coaching philosophy behind the scenes. The vast majority of the CEOs at Fortune 500 companies use coaches as well.

Inspired To Hired

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